Astrology Service

 The astrological services provided by Guruvayur Malayogam is backed and powered by the excellent team of experts from Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt Ltd .


Introduction  and  Personal data
- Basic calculations , Rasi/Bhava charts,Varga charts,
Ashtaka Varga charts,dasa periods
Analysis – Lords of the houses,Planetary positional analysis,Planetary friendship charts,Planetary strengths,Kuja dosha check,combustion (Moudhyam) ,  Planetary war ( Graha Yuddha)
Yogas – Special combination of planets in the horoscope and its effects
General predictions – Influence of planets on yopur character and life
Dasa/Bhukti predictions – The general trends of fortunes and misfortunes that may  be expected by the influence of various plane ts
Transit forecast – comparision of present position of palnets with those in the birth chart , effects may be opposing ,nullifying or reinforcing.
Remedies/Pariharam – throws insight into the remedial measures / pariharams that could be done to minimize or nullify the malefic effects.
Rs: 500/- Postage Extra For more details contact 9496665544

Compatibility report

Compatibility report /Porutham report is generated based on the
  • Star compatibility
  • Kuja dosha check
  • Papa samya check
  • Dasa sandhi check
  • This report also give you the detailed analysis of all the 10 parameters and also contains the compatibility in terms of percentage.

    Rs: 30/- Postage Extra For more details contact 9496665544

    Gem recommendations

    From ancient times scholars have associated gems with planets,based on the colour and the effect that is produced by wearing the same . Not only the Indians but chine and the Egyptians believed In the mystical and therapeutic qualities of gem stones. This report will guide you with the right gens based on your planetary positions , carat/weight of the gem and the time to start wearing the gem .

    Rs: 150/- Postage Extra For more details contact 9496665544

    Numerology report

    Numerology is the art of determining tendencies and likelihoods pertaining to your present and your future using the numbers of your birth date and the letters of your birth name. Digital – Numerology report highlights the effect of your "numbers" on you, besides listing out crucial information on your health and wellbeing, career, romantic and married life. In addition to this this report throws light on your favorable days, numbers, colors & directions.

    Rs: 150/- Postage Extra For more details contact 9496665544

    Recently Added Profiles

    Vishnu Das K M

    33, 172, Hindu - Ezhava, Malayalam, Control room operator KSEB contract based , India-kerala-palakkad

    Sarath Chandran

    29, 165, Hindu - Ezhava, Malayalam, Alief e mart, India-Kerala-Kasargod

    Arun AnilKumar

    34, 173, Hindu - Nair, Malayalam, Deloitte , Netherlands , India - Kerala - Palakkad

    ARUN K P

    37, 173, Hindu - Ezhuthachan , Malayalam, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AT LEAD COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT, India - Kerala - Palakkad


    27, 168, Hindu - Nair, Malayalam, Teacher , India - Kerala - Palakkad


    33, 167, Hindu - Viswakarma - Carpenter, Malayalam, Service Engineer, Dubai, India - Kerala - Thrissur

    Sanoop P

    28, 182, Hindu - Nair, Malayalam, Mechanical Engineer , India - Kerala - Alappuzha

    Sarath K

    27, 0, Hindu - Nair, Malayalam, Works as Quantity Surveyor at Oman , India-Kerala-Thrissur